Spatial Manager™ - Data Providers

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Spatial Manager™ Web Download Spatial Manager™

What are the data Providers?

Spatial Manager™ accesses spatial data for reading and/or writing using their own data Providers. The applications can access different data formats and storage systems depending on the spatial data Providers installed

Note: Some components in the images on this page (providers, names, windows look, etc.) may be slightly different from those that will appear on your computer

Which are the current available data Providers?

The available standard data Providers for Spatial Manager™ at this time are the following:

  • Spatial files
    • Esri Shape file (.SHP)
    • Google Earth file (.KML .KMZ)
    • OpenStreetMap file (.OSM .OSC .PBF) (1)
    • LiDAR file (.LAS .LAZ)
    • GPS exchange format file (.GPX)
    • Esri ASCII Grid file (.ASC .ASCII)
    • ASCII text file (.ASC .CSV .NEZ .TXT .XYZ .UPT)
    • SQLite file (.DB .SQLITE)
    • GeoPackage file (.GPKG) (1)
    • GML file (.GML .GZ .XML)
    • GeoJSON file (.GEOJSON .JSON)
    • GeoJSON file (2) (5)
    • Autodesk SDF file (.SDF) (3)
    • MicroStation v.7 file (.DGN) (2)
    • AutoCAD DXF file (.DXF) (2)
    • Esri ArcInfo export file (ASCII) (.E00) (1) (2)
    • MapInfo file (.TAB) (2)
    • MapInfo interchange format file (.MIF) (2)

  • Spatial raster files
    • Raster image file (.TIF .PNG .JPG .JPEG .TIFF) (6)
    • Variable resolution Raster image file (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF/COG TIFF) (1) (4) (6)
      • Georeference sources (GeoTIFF, World files, Google Earth .GEPRINT, GPS EXIF, etc.)

  • Spatial data servers and Geo-databases
    • Esri Geodatabase File (.GDB) (1)
    • PostGIS database
    • Microsoft SQL Server Spatial database
    • MySQL database (1) (3)

  • Image map servers
    • WMS Web Map Services (4)
    • WMTS Web Map Tile Services (4)
    • XYZ/TMS Tile Map Services (4)

  • Other spatial data sources
    • Open Database Connectivity ODBC (1)
    • WFS data store (1)
    • WFS data store (OGR) (1) (2) (5)
    • WFS data store (FDO) (1) (3) (5)

(1) Read-only
(2) OGR data source
(3) FDO provider
(4) Background Maps technology
(5) DEPRECATED - Whenever possible use the native data provider
(6) CAD versions Professional Editions only

Note: certain data Providers are only valid for some Editions of the applications

What are the parameters of the data Providers?

The parameters of the data Providers in Spatial Manager™ are the settings that the applications needs to connect when reading or writing spatial tables or files by using a given data Provider. Certain data Providers need the reading parameters and the writing parameters, and these settings can be different. Some other data Providers will only need the reading or the writing parameters but not both of them. You will see a parameters window every time the applications needs them when running a given read or write process

KML/KMZ Google Earth file writing parameters window

Sample 1: KML/KMZ Google Earth file writing parameters window

OSM/PBF OpenStreetMap file reading parameters window

Sample 2: OSM/PBF OpenStreetMap file reading parameters window

Open Database Connectivity ODBC parameters window

Sample 3: Open Database Connectivity ODBC (creating a User Data Source) parameters window

ASCII file reading (import process) parameters window

Sample 4: ASCII file (custom settings) reading (import process) parameters window

Single image Raster Provider parameters window

Sample 5: Raster image file reading Provider parameters window

LiDAR file reading parameters window

Sample 6: LiDAR file reading parameters window

Related links

Spatial Manager™ Web Download Spatial Manager™